Drop-off & Pick-Up Traffic Flow

Our parking lot traffic flow is to ensure the safety and efficiency of our school community. Below you will find a graphic for your reference. FCS has three lanes as you enter the parking lot: lane #1 is designated for entering the lot, while lanes #2 and #3 are for exiting. Specifically, lane #2 is for vehicles turning left upon exiting, and lane #3 is for those turning right. Please familiarize yourself with this layout to help maintain a smooth traffic flow during drop-off and pick-up times.

As you pull into FCS in Lane #1, follow the yellow arrows. The inside lane, labeled #4 with white arrows, is for dropping off and picking up students. We will have staff available to open doors and help students out of the cars safely. Once your student(s) are dropped off or picked up, continue in the inside lane, #4, until the very end of the parking lot, then turn left.

If you are coming into FCS to park, use the yellow arrows in the left lane and find a parking spot. We have two crosswalks for parents, staff, and students to use safely while crossing the parking lot.

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