Core Values

At Faith Christian School, our core values—Love, Learn, and Lead—shape everything we do. We train students to LOVE God and others with Christlike sacrificial love, fostering a school culture where His love is active and evident. We inspire students to LEARN truth with a lifelong passion, prioritizing God’s Word as the foundation of all knowledge. We equip students to LEAD by example, influencing the world for Christ through intentional, Christ-centered leadership in every area of life.


FCS trains students to sacrificially LOVE God and people. This means a school culture in which THE LOVE OF CHRIST is alive and active! Jesus said in John 13:34 – “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”


FCS cultivates in students a lifelong love of LEARNING truth with a priority on learning from God’s Word. II Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”


FCS LEADS students to influence as Jesus would through intentional leadership training that is Christ-centered and touches every area of life! 1 Timothy 4:12 – “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

Expected Student Outcomes

Love – The Student Will

  • Understand and experience a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • Recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in order to live a righteous life committed to making disciples.
  • Treat everyone of any race, color, and national and ethnic origin with honor by demonstrating love, respect, integrity, and godliness: believing the truth that God’s grace and His love through Jesus Christ extend without partiality to all mankind.
  • Demonstrate a servant’s heart, exhibit justice and mercy in his/her relationships, and resolve conflict in a biblical manner.
  • Demonstrate respect to those in positions of authority as a part of Christian character development.

Learn – The Student Will

  • Know, understand, and apply biblical principles to daily life.
  • Be able to articulate and defend his/her faith.
  • Develop a righteous standard of character based upon the truth of God’s Word and use it to establish personal, academic, and social priorities.
  • Develop skills to investigate, problem solve, and make wise decisions rooted in biblical wisdom.
  • Develop individualized skills in all disciplines that reflect Biblical values, intellectual standards that are equal to or exceed national standards, and respect for the knowledge obtained therein.
  • Be trained by teachers called of God to Christ-centered education and who are qualified to teach and committed to ongoing professional and spiritual growth.
  • Be trained in a facility stewarded by the leadership of FCS with wisdom and excellence.

Lead – The Student Will

  • Honor and respect the Bible as God’s authoritative Word.
  • Understand and commit to developing the spiritual disciplines of a serious disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Strive to know and submit to the will of God in his/her daily life.
  • Commit him/herself to relational, physical, mental, and spiritual purity.
  • Prepare for the responsibilities and privileges of a voting citizen of the United States.
  • Understand the joy and responsibility of being an active member of a local church.
  • Understand the value of service and strive to meet the needs of others.
  • As a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ in accordance with His Great Commission, will be a disciple-maker who leads others to follow and be changed through a relationship with Jesus.

Thank You To Our Corporate Sponsors