Elementary Chapel: December 4, 2024
“Big Truth” Of The Week
God wants his people to hate evil, love good, and seek justice.
Check Out The Video For Yourself
“From the beginning God made man to be like him, perfect and good. But Adam and Eve disobeyed God and evil entered the world. People were no longer holy and just and loving like God. And yet God promised that one day he would destroy evil and bring about a perfect world again. And he did so through Jesus, the Snake Crusher. When Jesus came to earth, he announced that the perfect kingdom of God had come near (Mark 1:14–15). And then Jesus showed us what that perfect kingdom looks like. The Snake Crusher lived as the prophets asked God’s people to live. He always obeyed God. He was kind and loving. He was just and fair. He lifted up the poor. He was humble. Jesus was so humble that he sacrificed his body on the cross so people like us—who aren’t loving, just, and humble—might be part of God’s perfect kingdom. Right now, the earth is full of injustice. Sin. Death. But one day, when Jesus returns to earth, he will make everything new and perfect. Then there will be more than a river of righteousness. The whole “earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14). Come, Lord Jesus, come! We want to live in that perfect kingdom.”
Join us Wednesdays at 8:05 AM for our Elementary Chapel!
We invite you to be a part of our worship and learning time as we grow together in faith. Your presence is a blessing, and we look forward to sharing these meaningful moments with you.
Digging Deeper into Discipleship: Tools for Your Family
We are honored to partner with you in the discipleship journey of your children. We’re excited to offer resources that will help your family grow deeper in faith together.
this week’s scripture

this week’s podcast
Let Justice Roll Down: The Story of Amos’ Message (Part 1)
Listen NowStay connected, and let’s continue to grow our roots deeper as we walk this journey together.
If you have any questions or would like additional guidance, feel free to reach out to me, Andy Hodges, Spiritual Formation Director. I would love to walk alongside you and your family as you deepen your faith journey. If you’re interested in learning more about our chapel plans for elementary students or how we’re diving deeper into Scripture together, I’d be happy to share more details and offer support.